Plywood Industry to See an Steep Increase in Prices Here is why

- Labour cost :
The steep increase in the wages of the un skilled labour . Demand of the unskilled labour in the plywood industry is always more than the actual present available labours, Now a days its hard to find unskilled labour at the best cost possible because literacy level is increasing every single day. And as a result a very less percentage of Indian citizens are really into unskilled jobs.
- Increase Chemical prices:
The sudden increase in the international prices of chemicals used in manufacturing plywood also has added the cost of production of plywood . The resign used in manufacturing of plywood is on an all time high . When raw materials pricing goes high the final product value also goes high. As a result it affects the price of the final product.
- Price of wood : The shortage of wood is an big concern for the plywood industry . Wood being the main raw material in manufacturing of plywood has an direct effect in the the pricing of plywood . In the past few months the cost of the wood used in the manufacturing of plywood has increased by 30 % .
The negative impact of inflation affects the price of raw materials, goods and commodities. As a result the prices are at higher side and the purchase capacity goes down.
Considering the given factors an hike in plywood industry is inevitable . Seeing the market scenario One could see at least 3-5 % hike in plywood price shortly .Some how it is our sole responsibility to give the proper information to our customers regarding the price change .