The Evolution of Greenply Plywood Company

The Evolution of Greenply Plywood
The brand GREENPLY needs no introduction. Kolkata Headquarter based Greenply is India’s largest infrastructure interior company.
With more than 12000 dealers, distributors and retailers GREENPLY sits at the top when it comes to plywood business.
Greenply has more than 48 branches across India and a presence in over 300 cities across 21 states in India .
Greenply deals with Plywood, Laminates & MDF Boards to be precise. All the three product categories were under GREENPLY INDUSTRIES LIMITED till 2014.
The first demerger happened in 2014 and the laminate business category was divided into Greenlam which was listed in 2015. It was a demerger of decorative laminates in the year 2014.
The MDF board segment is now called GREEN PANELMAX. It was also a demerger from the parent Greenply Industries Limited.
Greenply Plywood is still under parent Greenply Industries limited and is called GREENPLY.
For a better understanding please refer to the image below :-
CLICK HERE if you are interested to know the latest price list, cost estimate or you are planning to buy greenply plywood online in Bangalore.
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